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Courses offered at universities and colleges
The courses offered by me at universities and colleges (in this case, terms and conditions of a corresponding University or College are in effect), are:
1. Scientific English
Practical exercises dealing with the English scientific style (scientific language for special purpose): composing scientific articles, oral reports, choice of specific words and word combinations etc.
2. Business English
English business communication (business language for special purpose) of various types including negotiations, conferences, business letters, telephone talks and things like that.
3. English Writing Communication
This practical course makes students familiar with various specimens of Written English including scientific texts, business letters, directions, manuals as well as with the structure of a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting sentence(s), closing sentence(s)) and with different types of texts (narration, description, exposition, persuasion etc.). A great attention is paid to the English scientific and business correspondence.
4. Scientific and Business Communication in Russian
Practical exercises dealing with the Russian scientific and/or business styles (Russian scientific and business LSP) including composing scientific articles and oral reports, chhosing corresponding vocabulary units, business negotiations, conferences, commercial correspondence, telephone communication etc.
5. Introduction into the English and General Terminological Science
This theoretical course is an introduction into the language planning (corpus and status planning) as a special phenomenon of sociolinguistics. It concerns such questions as the sociolinguistic aspects of language planning and language policy in monoethnic and polyethnic societies. Language corpus planning is considered as a conscious language interference. A special attention is paid to the terminological planning (terminological modernization and standardization).
6. English Lexicology
A theoretical course, which introduces into the structure of the English vocabulary. The chief purpose is to make the students familiar with the properties of the English lexical units, their development and stratification. The course also demonstrates the interconnection of the lexicology with some other aspects of linguistics, such as phonetics, morphology, syntax, stylistics as well as the nature of a word as a language unit, the etymological structure of the modern English vocabulary, problems of lexical and grammar meanings, motivation of words, types of word building and so on. A special attention is paid to the sociolinguistic aspects of languages for special purpose as well as branch terminological systems as specific layers of the English vocabulary. The course also touches upon the problems of lexicography and terminography.
7. Englishe and General Sociolinguistics
This theoretical course elucidates various types of extralinguistic influence upon the structure of language, its status and corpus.